GENRE: Anime/Comedy Based from the show "The Amazing World Of Gumball" by Cartoon Network Europe. ( Episode: The Tape Animation Breakdown: Comparison Video: Credits: Animation: Mike Inel Audio: Taken from the show itself Supported by Patreon A huge thanks to my 99+ Patrons for their support! (As seen in the ending credits) Artist Commentary: After 2 1/2 months, it's finally done! And again, I can't thank my Patrons enough for their great support! FAQ: Q: WHY ARE THEY HUMAN? THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ANIMALS OR FOOD OR OBJECTS! A: I have no answer to that, lol Q: What software did you used to make this? A: Photoshop, Clip Studio, 3ds Max, Substance Painter, and After Effects. Q: Was the animation done by a team or alone? A: Alone.
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