GENRE: Anime/Cartoon/Comedy Left: Episode "The Tape" from the show "The Amazing World of Gumball" Right: Anime fan animation. Watch it in HD: By popular demand, here is a comparison of the animation What if "The Amazing World Of Gumball" was an anime. Personal Note: I love TAWOG not only because of their story, but also the insane amount of work they give for every episode. Not to mention how they blend different kinds of medium together. And I want to try this myself! Creating this fan animation just further proved me how insanely talented they are. FAQ: Q: WHY ARE THEY HUMAN? THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ANIMALS OR FOOD OR OBJECTS! A: I have no answer to that, lol Q: What software did you used to make this? A: Photoshop, Clip Studio, 3ds Max, Substance Painter, and After Effects. Q: Was the animation done by a team or alone? A: Alone.
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