www.customscreators.com Download can be found at C3 (Customs Creators Collective)! There's loads of other awesome custom songs available there as well, so check them out! This angelic ballad brings the album to a close (and some would say, in full circle) with that last little bell chime signifying that it's all over. Thom's soaring, emotional vocal performance is the star of the song, and it's a great part to sing. On guitar, the song starts off with clean electric playing, with laid back chords and single notes in the verses, and really fun HOPO arpeggios (?) during the chorus. Then, the distortion comes on and you get some great leads/soloing through the final chorus. The brush-played, jazzy drum part keeps a relaxed pace in the verses, then increases the intensity in the choruses and outro, with a bunch of great fills. The keys part and bass part are mostly long sustained chords/notes (respectively), though the bass part has a few more variations later on. If you downloaded this song before 3/25/16, make sure you redownload for a fairly important vocal fix - in several cases, a pitch tube that was supposed to be the beginning of a new word was actually tied to the previous word instead.
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