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Téléchargez "The Axis of Awesome 4 Chords" gratuitement en mp3

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Lundi 5 Janvier 2009 Artiste The Axis of Awesome 4 Chords 5,665,581 vues 22,465 votes Pour 462 votre Contre

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Studio recording of The Axis of Awesome's "4 Chords". The song that proves that all you need to be a pop star is four simple chords. The audio is ...

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Autres vidéos de The Axis Of Awesome 4 Chords

Axis of Awesome - 4 Chords Song

Axis of Awesome - 4 Chords Song

This is Axis of Awesome performing their 4 chords song at the 2009 Melbourne Comedy Gala. Just a note that none of the stuff in this video belongs to me - it belongs to the rightful copyright holder. Just wanted to share this video cos I think it is

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