RESTMORE: Meta-Seven: Good medical morning. This is Watson and I have a medical case so bizarre that I don't even know where to start. 21 year old Russian Kirill Tereshin wanted to be known for having the world's largest biceps. And with over 300,000 Instagram followers he was initially known as the Russian Popeye. To attain his massive arms, Kirill used a controversial fluid to "pump up his size." The oil itself does little more than inject fluid into your muscles to make them look bigger, and it has no positive health benefits. Although it is used as a cheat by many professional bodybuilders, it often spreads and gives an uneven or lumpy appearance. Kirill's arms reached in excess of 24 inches, and he claimed he wouldn't stop until they were a whopping 27 inches. Comment below. Are these the actions of a healthy mind? Here is what one doctor had to say: (on screen) 'Inside the arms of this man there are already pathologically changed tissues that looks like jelly with insertions..." The doctor continued to say that the arms were so infected that amputation may be the only option in the near future. After a quick glance at Kitill's social media account, it would appear that he does have some serious body image issues. Ultimately Kirill, now known as the Synthol Kid to many online, had to have his arms drained to relieve pressure from the infection. It looks like he won't be entering any record books anytime soon. Leave your comments below. What do you think of the Russian Popeye and his unique attempts to enter the record books? What are your thoughts on his mental health, considering his exploits could have cost him his life? Subscribe: Take no medical advice from this video. It is for entertainment only. This video contains educational health and fitness content. Some of our dermatology content may not be for all viewers. This video may contain product sponsorship and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you want the best sleep of your life, then please check out RESTMORE. It is an all natural sleep formula that is intended to help you get the nutrients you need for great sleep. It is veggie based and will help you rest!
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