Siempre tuve esta escena en mi mente y verla en la realidad pues... es tan satisfactorio. Ojala que les guste. Y tambien espero que en el nuevo anime de Sailor Moon todas hagan una transformación grupal asi o mucho mejor ;) No hacer caso: sailor moon all transformations of all senshis HQ/HD Sailor Moon ☽ Transformations [HQ] Sailor Moon Transformation Sailor Moon - All Transformations Sailor Moon Eternal Group Transformation (Celeurmouy Henshins) Sailor Moon Transformations In Japanese !!!!! sailormoon inner and outer transform japenese dub Sailor Moon All Transformations sailor moon ost - outer scouts transformation theme Sailor Moon S Group Transformation (R2) (Episode 123) Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Group Transformation (Episode 196) Color Correction Sailor Moon R Ep87 Group Transformation (No Voice) Sailor Moon Eternal Group Transformation (Celeurmouy Henshins) Sailor Moon ES - Inners Senshi Group Transformation Sailor Moon S Group Transformation (Special BGM) (R2 /HQ) Sailor Moon R group transformation with voice Sailor Stars transformation group ep 196 SFX and voices Sailor Moon R Episode 71 Group Transformation (R2 DVD, enhanced) Sailor Moon - Inners Transformation with new music Sailor Moon StarsR Inner Senshi Group Transformation Inner Sailor Senshi Super Group Transformation (R2 DVD, fixed)
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