'The Adventure Continues...' The Cutie Map – Part 1: Following the defeat of Tirek everypony finds a mysterious map; they follow it to a utopian town where everypony has surrounded their cutie marks. The Cutie Map – Part 2: Using the power of Star Swirl the Bearded’s Staff, Starlight Glimmer has taken Twilight and friends’ cutie marks; can they get them back before they lose their true selves? The Mystery Deepens: Saturday 4th April 11am / 10am Central #MLPSeason5 #Mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #Season5 #Starlight Glimmer Art: http://pre03.deviantart.net/085e/th/pre/f/2015/082/b/9/gala_background_by_mysterymelt-d8mtzr6.png http://pre03.deviantart.net/e89e/th/pre/f/2015/086/0/a/rainbow_of_darkness_g4_by_mysterymelt-d8nbrst.png http://pre11.deviantart.net/84ab/th/pre/f/2015/090/a/e/caverns_of_maretania_by_mysterymelt-d8nvuxs.png http://img07.deviantart.net/f55c/i/2015/081/3/d/tirek_visit_in_tartarus_by_mysterymelt-d8mrjpj.png http://img09.deviantart.net/da73/i/2015/090/9/b/desert_night_by_mysterymelt-d8nwcdi.png http://img03.deviantart.net/e7f4/i/2015/090/4/3/a_friend_to_ponies_by_mysterymelt-d8nwc8t.png http://pre08.deviantart.net/1df4/th/pre/i/2015/091/8/3/starlight_glimmer_desert_tracker_by_mysterymelt-d8nydco.png ==== | Transcript | Walkthrough of Video | 'He accomplished many feats' # Star Swirl shaking his hoof with Scorpan 'From the caverns of Maretania' # Star Swirl in the caverns of Maratania (mentioned in Three's A Crowd) 'To the depths of Tartarus' # Tirek being banished to Tartarus. # Star Swirl closing the Gate to Tartarus from the inside. 'But all of them in anger' # Star Swirl banishing the three sirens. # Starlight Glimmer finding The Staff of Sameness. Starlight Glimmer: "They'll finally understand what we're trying to accomplish." # The Crystal Crastle. Celestia: "You've being wondering what you're meant to do as a princess. Do you know now?" Twilight Sparkle: "The tree, the chest, this castle... and now the map, how can we not follow it?!" Twilight Sparkle: "As princess, I have to power to spread the power of magic across Equestria." # The destroyed library. # Star Swirl the Beardeds book all burnt. Star Swirl: "The time has come..." # Utopian town. Twilight Sparkle: "Star Swirl the Bearded's secret... library?!" # Star Swirl the Bearded's sceret underground library. Applejack: "The only I could get out of them is something about a library." # The Cutie Mark Vault powered by The Staff of Sameness. # The Tree of Harmony covered in darkness... Twilight Sparkle: "There destinies are now changed, it's their true selves that have been altered." # Sweetie Belle auditioning infront of Vinyl and Octavia. # Twilight visiting Tirek in Tartarus. Tirek: "I had to pull myself together..." Pinkie Pie: "I'm on it!" Starlight Glimmer: "The only way to be happy is if we're all equal!" # The Rainbow of Darkness blasting out of the ground. Announcer: "Announcing... THE SMOOZE!" (The Smooze was a powerful G1 villain from the 1986 My Little Pony Movie whom nearly destroyed the world. In Friendship is Magic he'll be dubbed down to some jelly-like monster who oozes everywhere.) # The Smooze in Canterlot. # Star Swirl standing on a cliff edge over a burning Ponyville. ==== | Music | Audiomachine – Momentum ==== Star Swirl shaking his hoof with Scorpan is an interpretation of the flashback scene from "Twilight's Kingdom Part 1". The full image is here: http://tinyurl.com/kqzvyfv Star Swirl walking through the Caverns of Maretania is mentioned by Cadance in "Three's A Crowd" while at a Star Swirl the Bearded convention, you can even see the candle they were looking at the convention. Star Swirl banishing the Three Sirens into another dimension is mentioned during a flashback scene in Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. ==== This video is hypothetical and is an extended version of previous trailers with some fanmade and leaked footage mixed in. It was made for fun by me, to fuel the HYPE TRAIN and not to fool anyone. The animation isn't trying to match up to the shows, so fanmade parts should be obvious. --- My Little Pony ©Hasbro, ABC Family and all related subsequent stakeholders.
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