Subscribe for new songs every week! Check out my theory and technique channel! Take Lessons With Me! Follow GuitarLessons365 on Twitter! Please help support my lessons on Patreon. Click here for ALL parts of this song in my Led Zeppelin playlist! In these lessons I will demonstrate of how to play Led Zeppelin's "The Ocean" from their Houses of the Holy album. Learning how to play The Ocean shouldn't be too difficult for any intermediate level guitarist or above. Even the solos remain quite simple without any major technical hurdles. In the first lesson video I will demonstrate how to play all the riffs and chords found within "The Ocean". The opening riff is instantly recognizable by just about every rock music fan on the planet. That opening riff is the main riff used throughout the entire song as well. Most of the riff is based around an A minor pentatonic scale along with the C major arpeggio. Make sure you pay close attention to the quick hammer-ons at the beginning of the riff. Remember, the first note of the hammer-on is simply a ghost note and you should just barely hear it. From there we have the verse section which contains mostly simple major chords played in a very simple right hand rhythmic pattern. The only other part found in the 1st video lesson is the harmony guitar part. I try to simplify it a bit in the lesson in order to combine the most essential parts of the harmony on one guitar yet retain the sound of the recorded version as close as possible. This section requires you to play mostly double-stops but shouldn't be too much of a challenge. The remaining parts of the song will go live in a few days. See you then!! Carl...
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