Hitman 2016 - Sapienza - Episode 2 Gameplay Gary Lunn, also known as ‘The Enforcer’, has been located in Sapienza where he is currently working at the Ether corporate bio lab, supervising high level security efforts. Lunn is a highly trained professional and can most likely be found moving around Villa Caruso or the bio lab. Walkthrough and live commentary and full three part series Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbhVeO9YVSNwddlIv3N0GFw Twitter: https://twitter.com/Obistream Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/obistream Read my Official Review at/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/obistream About me: Why do I call myself Obi? The answer is pretty simple to figure out. Growing up a huge Star Wars fan; I enjoyed the mysteries this world has to offer, especially in the awesome world of gaming. The Video Gaming Universe has leaped light years since its birth and I am excited to share my experiences with you. I will be sharing new release walkthrough videos with crazy and emotional commentary. By emotional I mean, losing my mind over some BS! I am thankful for this opportunity and I thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Talk to you soon! Game Description: HITMAN offers players the chance to visit a wide range of world locations, from fashionable Paris to the sunny coast of Italy and the hustle of the markets in Marrakesh. Freely explore the dynamic, checkpoint-free environments and watch as your actions affect everyone around you. This is your playground. The world of HITMAN will constantly challenge you. Whether it’s from the hundreds of in-mission challenges or from the expansive community created contracts, you will never run out of things to do.
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