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Téléchargez "BULLETPROOF GLASS - What will it STOP?" gratuitement en mp3

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Samedi 30 Avril 2016 Artiste BULLETPROOF GLASS 646,329 vues 6,693 votes Pour 287 votre Contre

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We got ahold of some level III ballistic glass. It's very expensive and we were lucky to get this. All "bulletproof" stuff is rated, or limited to ...


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50cal vs Bulletproof Glass!

50cal vs Bulletproof Glass!

I am going to get this glass in every window in my house. :) Edit: I thought the Hillary thing was clearly a joke.......apparently it was not clear enough. This is a gun channel...... run by a gun enthusiasts...... from Texas. Yeehaw, giddyup.

Getting Shot At Behind Bulletproof Glass

Getting Shot At Behind Bulletproof Glass

Sorry Mom and Dad, but I finally did it. After EXTENSIVE testing of these panes I finally caved to the video idea that has been floating around for years. I stood behind some bank teller bullet proof glass and Tyce took 3 shots at me. My favorite

338 Lapua vs 50 BMG vs Bulletproof Glass

338 Lapua vs 50 BMG vs Bulletproof Glass

Today on Kentucky Ballistics we shoot our bullet resistant windshield again. This time instead of using the 500 Magnum, we use the 338 Lapua and the 50 BMG! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching! Ammunition used in today’s video. PMC

50 Cal vs Glass BulletProof - Awesome!!

50 Cal vs Glass BulletProof - Awesome!!

BULLET RESISTANT GLASS FOR .50 CAL PISTOLS As for those ever-more-common .50 caliber hand-canons, Jim has good news: Although not rated for this use, it’s likely that conventional Level 4 bullet resistant glass would stop a standard or Magnum .50

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