He just needs one more shot at forgiveness. Obama sings Sorry. Answer a few questions for me! ► https://dubs.typeform.com/to/prwv4o (Full message to subscribers below!) Business Inquiries: [email protected] Subscribe to Baracksdubs for more ►http://bit.ly/sub2dubs Watch all my videos in 20 minutes ►http://bit.ly/allthedubs Instrumental by Sing King Karaoke! ► http://bit.ly/sorrybieber Message to Subscribers: Hey everyone! I've spent the holidays thinking about and planning for 2016. I've been thinking about the direction of Baracksdubs, where it should go after Obama leaves, and different ways you could be a part. Well, I just realized that, especially with that last part, I wasn't really taking in your voice in all this. I was trying to figure out what you wanted without simply asking you. So! If you're a fan of Baracksdubs and want to be a bigger part of what I'll be doing, then please check out this typeform (https://dubs.typeform.com/to/prwv4o) and give me your thoughts. I believe strongly that any creator can do bigger and better things for their fans if they do them with their fans. I can't wait to hear what you all have to say. --- Check out our website! http://baracksdubs.com Like us on Facebook! http://facebook.com/baracksdubs Follow us on Twitter! http://twitter.com/baracksdubs
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