The full trailer for "American Gangster" Synopsis: American Gangster is a 2007 crime film written by Steve Zaillian and directed by Ridley Scott. The film stars Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. Washington portrays Frank Lucas, a real-life heroin kingpin from Manhattan who smuggled the drug into the country in the coffins of American soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. Crowe portrays Richie Roberts, a detective who brings down Lucas's drug empire. Filming was done in New York, and American Gangster is slated for a November 2, 2007 release. Cast: Denzel Washington as Frank Lucas Russell Crowe as Detective Richie Roberts Cuba Gooding Jr. as Nicky Barnes Josh Brolin Common as the brother of Frank Lucas T.I. as the nephew of Frank Lucas Anthony Hamilton as a singer[3] RZA Chiwetel Ejiofor Ted Levine John Ortiz Yul Vazquez Carla Gugino KaDee Strickland Official site:
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