NOW English subtitle is available, please click the caption button to activate it. ------------------------------------------ لاستماع لاعمالنا القادمة join us /Facebook: Twitter: @DRmohabomer ------------------------------------------------------------------ بِرُوْحِي فَتَاة بِالْعَفْاف تَجَمَّلَت وَفِي خَدِّهَا حَب مِن الْمِسْك قَد نَبَت وَقَد ضَاع عَقْلِي وَقَد ضَاع رُشْدِي مذ َأَقْبَلَت وَلَمَّا طُلِبَت الْوَصْل مِنْهَا تَمَنَّعْت وَلَمَّا طُلِبَت الْوَصْل مِنْهَا تَمَنَّعْت. ***** بَلِّغُوْهَا إِذَا أَتَيْتُم حِمَاهَا أَنَّنِي مُت فِي الْغَرَام فِدَاهَا وَأُذَكُرُوْنِي لَهَا بِكُل جَمِيْل فَعَسَاهَا تَحِن عَسَاهَا بَلِّغُوْهَا إِذَا أَتَيْتُم حِمَاهَا أَنَّنِي مُت فِي الْغَرَام فِدَاهَا وَاصحبوْهَا لِتُرْبَتِي فَعِظَامِي تَشْتَهِي أَن تَدُوْسَهَا قَدَمَاهَا إِن رُوْحِي تُنَاجِيْهَا وَعَيْنِي تَسِيْر إِثْر خُطَاهَا لَم يَشُفني سوى أَمَلِي أَنَّنِي يوما أَرَاهَا ------------------------------------------------------------------- - غناء و الحان الغناء/ عبدالرحمن محمد - عزف و تلحين و توزيع الموسيقى / د.مهاب عمر - تصوير و اخراج : أحمد فؤاد - مساعد مصور : محمود مرزوق إنتاج فيديو : MONOCHROME Films تسجيل / مكس / ماسترينج: يوسف الزبيري ايهاب الكوسا ماجد شاباج استوديو روائع twitter: @YAlzubairy twitter @m_shabaj twitter: @RawaeeStudios ترجمة : د.مهاب عمر There is a girl within my soul that beautified herself with chastity And there are freckles on her cheeks that grew from musk And l lost my mind I lost my sanity when I saw her And when I tried to approach her she refused and walked away And when I tried to approach her she refused and walked away If you see her tell her that I am so deeply in love with her And mention me with all the good things hoping that one day she would give me a chance If you see her tell her that I am so deeply in love with her And bring her to my grave after I am gone as my bones are craving to be stepped on by her feet Now my soul is calling her and my eyes are following her footsteps The only thing that cured me was my hope that one day I would see her again
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