Guilty things you love doing! From sleeping in to taking selfies, secret private habits we all do even if they make us feel a little guilty 16. Winning arguments- Nobody likes to start a fight, but sometimes getting your point across can lead to unsuspecting shouting matches and an array of opinions from others who want their voice to be heard. Whether it’s a family member, friend or significant other, you try hard to bite your tongue but you just can’t hold back. Sure, the argument might be silly, but you’ve prepared your thesis and conclusion in an attempt to prove them wrong! While it’s easier to probably back down, our pride and egos usually step in the way and at this point, we’ve become heavily invested in proving our intelligence. In the end, you may feel terrible, but you also feel so much better knowing that you won this round. 15. Posting selfies- As conceited and self-absorbed as it sounds, we all love to pose in front of the camera. It’s like an artform, and we spend time perfecting different poses and snapping various shots in numerous angles to get the best lighting. It’s fun to apply filters, and it makes us feel like a professional photographer. We probably won’t admit that it took us countless of tries to get that one perfect picture, but it gives us a warm feeling inside to see those likes and comments grow on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 14.Gossiping-Whether it sounds juicy, dramatic or dumb girls love to gossip simply because we can’t help ourselves hearing about the latest news about the people we know, good or bad. Girls find it fun to swap secrets and share opinions with those in their inner circles. But it also can ruin friendships, destroy reputations and drive us crazy but at the same time, it also adds some spice to many conversations. Gossiping empowers drama queens, and others feel just as powerful knowing what’s happening and actually live vicariously through everyone else’s lives. Even though everyone knows it’s bad to gossip about others behind their backs, some girls do it anyways with no shame. This can make some girls feel happy, jealous or sad, but gossiping isn’t always done with evil intent though. In fact, social media has provided so much information that sharing a few tweets, posts and pictures results in fun laughs and a good time. 13. Splurging when it’s payday- It’s an awesome feeling when it’s payday, but instead of putting your cash aside for bills or rent you find yourself splurging at the mall, online or at restaurants. Not only does it feel good to treat yourself with a pair of new shoes or a few drinks at the bar, but then before you know it money starts to get tight and then suddenly you find yourself with ten bucks to your name until the next pay day. Overindulging is a guilty pleasure we all have, but it would help if we actually stopped ourselves at our spending limit before we go broke. While there’s nothing wrong with spending a few dollars here there, steer clear of those items that are just “wants” and stick to the stuff you actually need before going overboard. 12. Binge watching shows- Whether it’s on Netflix or Hulu, everyone can admit that they’ve binge-watched an entire season or show over the weekend. Nothing is exciting like starting a series and being so invested in one episode that you’re just dying to know what happens next! Well, thanks to Netflix you know you’re going to spend the next six hours glued to the television screen, so grab some popcorn and get comfy. Not only do you find yourself addicted to binge-watching but life feels empty after you’ve finished an entire series and all of the sudden you’re left wondering, “what happens now?” Luckily you can do it all over again and start a new show! Netflix and chill it is then!
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