Dr. Oz Medispa dangers and deaths 2014 http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dr-oz-alert-dangers-walk-cosmetic-procedures. THREE PROCEDURES TO NEVER DO AT A MEDSPA - LASER, BOTOX AND FILLERS http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dr-oz-alert-dangers-walk-cosmetic-procedures?video_id=3808267414001 ANSWERS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SPA ASSOCIATION ON REGULATIONS NOT GOOD ENOUGH http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dr-oz-alert-dangers-walk-cosmetic-procedures?video_id=3808320163001 Please see our website Zane and Daphne Carroll www.daphnecarroll.com for more on our story Many states in the U.S. have NO regulation on the use of cosmetic lasers. ANYONE can use these surgical devices. News reports below. Spas and even hair salons are now offering these treatments by personnel with no medical training at all and NO physician supervision.LASER HAIR REMOVAL is very popular and like other lasers these are advertised as non invasive and simple procedures! DON'T BE FOOLED, THESE DEVICES ARE CONSIDERED SURGERY! MOST CONSENT FORMS DO NOT DISCLOSE THE RISKS INVOLVED! DEATHS have occurred at unregulated medspas in several states! A lot of states are figuring out these issues with medspas," said Dr. Doug Forman, a plastic surgeon in North Bethesda who serves on the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' government affairs committee. "Nationally, medspas are falling into this gray zone."http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-04-27/health/bs-hs-medspa-regulation-20130427_1_monarch-medspa-liposuction-plastic-surgeons medspa dangers https://www.facebook.com/Medspas?ref=hl MEDSPA DEATHS eye doctors doing breast implants, ob/gyn's doing tummy tucks, family practitioners specializing in liposuction - http://www.wbir.com/video/1158695677001/0/Plastic-or-cosmetic-surgeon--Part-I MEDSPA DEATH IN RALEIGH, NC 22 year old Shiri Berg http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/1705962/ MEDSPA DEATH IN FLORIDA - Rohie Orukotan Mother of 3 http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/1705962/ MEDSPA DEATH - Adriana da Silva, 39 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026285/Mother-got-breast-surgery-beautiful-40th-birthday-died-day-procedure.html VICTIMS FAMILY SPEAKS OUT http://www.abc2news.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/family-of-medspa-patient-talks-for-first-time-to-expose-medical-loophole-in-maryland 2013 ATLANTA DEATHS http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/24044415/autopsy-report-released-for-woman-who-died-after-cosmetic-surgery TWO WOMEN DIE IN MEDSPA http://www.wfsb.com/story/23986817/cbs-atlanta-investigates-med-spa-deaths DOCTOR LIES ABOUT CREDENTIALS http://www.cbsatlanta.com/story/24008323/lack-of-med-spa-oversight-in-georgia This is not just a problem in the U.S. other countries are seeing the same injuries. Some facilities will advertise they have a Medical Director but they usually are not actually present to supervise or help in the event of an injury. Most are not even in their scope of practice. Ob/gyn's or General Doctors may be the medical director instead of a Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist. What about a laser use in a Doctors office?? Some physicians are using lasers with only weekend training classes from the manufacturer.It is NOT against the law for a doctor to say he/she is a Plastic Surgeon etc. even if they are NOT Board Certified in that area!! Always ask for their Board Certification! NEWS REPORTS: CA News http://youtu.be/Z9HRV9p3FMk Victims are going public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNzIWOux8L0 Hidden camera report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR6B-csDV7M The Doctors http://youtu.be/0pi6keUgxEI Senate Hearing on lasers http://youtu.be/J-boSGXxr7M Nashville Channel 2 http://youtu.be/4BeCaD11dAk Dr. Amy Ortega http://youtu.be/0pyc_Hp-ip4 Wall Street Journal medspa report 2013 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324682204578515490226721044.html Please look up the law in your state. You can find much of this information at The Federation of State Medical Boards laser use. http://www.fsmb.org/pdf/grpol_laser_regulation.pdf PUBLIC WARNING ON COSMETIC LASERS - http://www.facebook.com/pages/PUBLIC-WARNING-ON-COSMETIC-LASERS/108499625860648 IPL AND LASER DAMAGE SUPPORT -http://www.iplandlaserdamage.com/ipl_side_effects_forum.html Dr. Kerryn Phelps - laser burns AU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZrCKnVw0YE Oprah warns of the dangers of laser hair removal http://www.oprah.com/style/The-Facts-About-Laser-Hair-Removal Many have been told their injuries are a normal reaction and not received proper medical care. They are often told to ice the burns as well. Please see below - Don't use ice. Putting ice directly on a burn can cause a person's body to become too cold and cause further damage to the wound. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/first-aid-burns/FA00022 Criteria for referral to a burn center - http://www.vuburncenter.com/community/FlyerEMS.pdf watch other laser burn reports - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-boSGXxr7M&list=PLVwlzKmGOfhyBhpd8m0zFyuayEDiYeuR4
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