Meet the Medic
Not every mad doctor lives in a castle surrounded by villagers with pitchforks. Sometimes they live in the trenches, where there's plenty of spare parts flying around and a pressing need to get inventive with them.
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Monday 11th July 2011 Artist Meet the Medic 5,279,148 views 25,082 votes For 876 vote Against
Outtake 3 of 4. The solution came in the form of a sudden attack from the Spy. This let us keep the frantic, overwhelmed tone but gave Medic an early ...
Not every mad doctor lives in a castle surrounded by villagers with pitchforks. Sometimes they live in the trenches, where there's plenty of spare parts flying around and a pressing need to get inventive with them.
Render time: 40 minutes Build time: 4 hours (240 minutes) Total: 280 minutes (4 hours and 40 minutes) ____________________________________________________________ I hope this is the last poop in my history :) (Well, not. Meet the pyro is next?)
In addition to: DasMatze
My crack at a TF2 YouTube Poop, I think it went well. This my 6th YouTube Poop and the first to have NO MARIO HEAD, I know you were probably sick of Mario Head, so I am doing something different, non-the-less, enjoy!
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