http// Protseduuri käigus ei kasutata kirurgilisi instrumente ega tehta mitte mingeid sisselõikeid. Esimesed tulemused saadakse juba esmase visiidi käigus. Protseduur kestab mitte kauem kui 30 minutit, millele järgneb taastusravi harjutustekompleksiga ja järelravi. Lokaalne tuimestus tagab patsiendi osaluse kogu protsessi jooksul. Ei kahjustata liigest ja liigest ümbritsevaid kudesid. Ravitulemus tagab õlaiigese täieliku liikuvuse ja paranemise. FROZEN SHOULDER FIXED IN ONE VISIT. Watch a TV show about how frozen shoulder is cured in one treatment with the revolutionary Trigenics OAT Frozen Shoulder Recovery Procedure invented by Trigenics founder, Dr. Allan Austin Oolo aka Dr. Allan Austin. OTHER RELATED WEB SITES: http//, http// DR. AUSTIN OOLO's TRIGENICS FROZEN SHOULDER CLINICS CONTACT INFO: EU... +372 621 4797 or +372 5620 2631 NA... +1 416 481 1936 South Pacific + 612 9252 2225 Dr. Michael Egan The Oolo-Austin's Trigenics Frozen Shoulder Recovery Procedure (OAT) is the worlds most advanced advanced and successful treatment for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. This video explains the real "true cause" and the fast cure for frozen shoulder. If you have Frozen Shoulder and have found and viewed this video, it is most likely because you have been suffering for a long time with this excruciatingly painful and severely debilitating condition. You have probably been going for months or years of intensely painful therapy sessions and have tried various treatment methods including physiotherapy, massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, rehabilitative exercises and specialized techniques found on frozen shoulder web sites with slow, little or no success. A number of techniques have received considerable attention with respect to treatment of frozen shoulder including manipulation under anesthesia or "MUA", surgery, active release technique or "ART", Niel-Asher technique and most recently the OTZ Chiropractic technique. ART and the Niel-Asher technique cannot claim that they are able to restore near full range of motion in one procedure and require repetitive treatments over a considerable time frame. MUA and Surgery can sometimes restore considerable range of motion in one procedure but they both have significant attendant risk factors and both only have a 50% success rate at best. The most recent chiropractic neck manipulation technique, called OTZ, claims to restore full range of motion to frozen shoulders in one visit showing apparent "before and after" videos however most astute practitioners will clearly note that these patients have been misdiagnosed and suffer, in fact, from shoulder impingement syndrome which is an entirely different condition and easily treatable with many different therapy methods. The revolutionary Oolo-Austin Trigenics Frozen Shoulder Recovery Procedure (OAT) was developed by the founder of Trigenics Myoneural Medicine. Dr. Allan Gary Oolo Austin. It has been proven, in most cases to restore complete or near-full range of motion to a frozen shoulder in literally minutes. It is a safe, interactive, capsular adhesion dissection procedure which used local anesthetic, Trigenics and a specific range mobilization technique. The results are medically unprecedented and, until now, thought to be absolutely impossible by doctors and therapists. (Most doctors and therapists will still say it is impossible.) If you are on a quest to regain your quality of life by eliminating your pain and regaining use of your arm and shoulder quickly, without months of painful treatment, search no more! You are at the right place!! Dr. Oolo Austin and those specially trained and licensed by him are currently the only doctors in the world performing the OAT procedure. NB: Born Allan Gary Oolo, "Oolo" is Dr. Austin's Estonian birth surname. It is the surname he still uses in Europe and hence, in this health TV show which is produced in Estonia. In North America, however, he took on the additional surname of "Austin" as a result of a professional country music career in the early 1990's. The use of "Austin" became commonplace and as such, his surnames are now inter-changable. His current musical pseudonym is as it was originally in the 1980's with his "Healthwave" music and health educational entertainment projects... "Dr. O". Most of the music on this video was written and performed by Dr. O. Besides music composition and production, his projects have included a childrens cartoon, movie and TV talkshow all designed to improve the public's health awareness level.
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