This is a home-made video recorded with a digital camera that features Kamini, a pet crow in Rajshahi city and it's owners telling us about the crow, how it came to their home and what it does, etc. Kamini was found on their house premises some 8 years ago in the morning after a stormy night. It has lived with the family ever since. Over the years Kamini has learned to pick up human words and now pronounces quite as good as a Maina or a Parrot! In the video Kamini says it's name, mom, calls out to the pet dog and says some other words in this video. The family tells us that Kamini eats human food, but doesn't like vegetables. Its favorite is egg yolks and also milk! The owners also tell us that Kamini used to fly away sometimes, but ever since it hit the blades of a moving ceiling fan 4 years ago, it's wings broke and doesn't fly away anymore. I hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I have enjoyed visiting Kamini and recording this. :) Video recording: 8 March, 2013 Camera: Canon IXUS 950 IS Location: Paba, Rajshahi, Bangladesh Recording by: Jajabor Backpacker ....................................... We are very sorry to inform that about two weeks after we visited Kamini and this video was made, Kamini passed away due to sickness. We express our condolences to the owners, who must miss their pet so much.
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