Blow past the 'friend zone' and get him to deeply desire you with these secret tools. Say goodbye to being looked over and hello to being sexy and desired. Watch more videos like this: Learn how to trigger emotional attraction here: ---------------------------- Follow Me On Social! ---------------------------- FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Do you know the secret to making a man deeply desire you? Inside this short video I break down exactly how to avoid landing yourself in the dreaded 'friend zone.' I also reveal what you need to do in order to make him chase you like a cat chases a mouse. Check it out now and join the conversation in the comments below. Your Coach, Adam P.S. – Making a man desire you has A LOT to do with how you make him feel. And that's the entire focus of my Emotional Attraction Formula which you can grab right here. Summary – Sexual Tension This is a phenomenon that occurs when two people interact with one another and both feel sexual desire towards one another, but the consummation is postponed. Sexual tension is what keeps the possibility of a relationship alive. Think of sexual tension as a rope. You on one end and him on the other. Now, there are three scenarios. Situation #1: You Sleep With Him on a First Date If you jump the gun too soon, what happens? You wake up the next morning and you realize you don't even know the other person. The rope snaps. Sexual tension is gone… and it's over. Situation #2: You Have Zero Sexual Tension Imagine that the rope just sags and sags and sags. You get to know each other. You talk, talk, talk, then before you know you realize that you're just friends and then nothing's there at all. Sexual tension gone, now you're just friends. You could literally have everything in the world in common, but if there's no sexual tension there, then he's not going to desire you and chances are you're not going to desire him. You are just friends. Situation #3: You're Actually Getting to Know Each Other Slowly, But Surely The rope is tight… a little pull here… a little slack there… and then another little tug on the line… Boom goes the dynamite! Of course, we all want this third situation. The question is how do you do it? How do you keep sexual tension in a relationship before you have sex? For starters, allow for slow sexual progression. Without forward progression, he's going to give up. With too much forward progression, such as having sex on the first date, you're risking the fadeout. Be sensual without being too sexual. Maybe on the first date, you guys have a kiss. Maybe on the second date, it goes a little bit further. Maybe a third date, it goes even further. Progression is great, but you don't want to jump the gun too quickly. Forward progression, good. Jumping the gun, bad. Secondly, talk dirty but do it very subtly. Watch the video for some examples of what to do and what not to do. Bottom line: dirty talk allows him to use his imagination a little bit. If he's using his imagination, you're winning. Finally, make him miss you. If he's constantly drawing you back in, then you know what, you're building more tension in the relationship. If he's constantly pushing you back and pushing you away, then you are at risk of losing him. Make him wonder if he's going to have you and if he's wondering, then he's going to really desire you. Some women out there, I understand they want to wear their heart on their sleeve and just when they meet a guy that they really like. They want to just go for it, let them know everything and just dive right in. At the end of the day, it can really hurt you with your early on relationships because that's not how attraction works. Sexual tension really works when the guy is still wondering where it's going. When there's still a little bit of mystery in the relationship. If he's not really sure where it's going… …that's going to really push him forward to want to get to know you further and turn it into a relationship.
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