This episode has so many epic parts to it, not even going to try to come up with a witty caption, just watch it, here are some gems 1. "Conversations" on know what we mean 2. Blatant disrespect for the CO and 1st Sgt 3. Shirtless Marines working out 4. Canteen Peanut Butter "Flashlight" for those tough times This is only in the first half of the episode, Here's what you're missing if you don't subscribe to VET Tv, and watch the full episode. 4. More fantasies about ending your boss 5. An "exposed" Donny O' know what we mean here too 6. The CO getting some "pleasure" from the brown nose boot 7. AND the introduction of the TASK FORCE - can you guess who's on the Task Force, tag them below! Watch the full episode of A Grunt's Life, only on VET Tv Subscribe today to watch today! Episodes are released weekly! Hollywood creates movies and TV shows about the military for the civilian population. VET Tv creates TV shows for veterans, shit that makes us feel like we're back in the barracks, shit that makes us feel like we're not the only fucked up minds in the world. We're here for you bro, we get it
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