???? Get My Fat Loss DVDs at http://9nl.es/g4t8 with ALL my Workouts & Diet Tricks because Taushina Eagle Lost 191.8 Pounds & Justin Walters Lost 230 Pounds using the same DVDs you're going to Get Today For Only $37 ???? More weight loss workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF52868D2E6449DE0 Here's is the basic layout of this fast weight loss workout... 1. Do 15 power cleans with a barbell or dumbbells with a weight that will challenge you for 15 reps. don't pick a weight that you could possibly do 50 reps with and have no problems. If too had use a chair or lighter weights. 2. Rest 90 seconds or a minute and a half. 3. Do 15 thrusters which are basically front squats to push presses and these can be done with a barbell or dumbbells and again you can use a chair and/or lighter dumbbell and loaded barbells if too hard for you. 4. Rest 90 seconds or a minute and a half. 5. Now you combine the exercise from number 1 & 3 and do a clean and press by first doing a power clean followed by a thruster or followed by a front squat to push press for 15 reps. 6. Take a 60 second or 1 minute break. 7. Do 150 jumping jacks. See more jumping jack workouts here @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qWKDYV54nF_TJKCaJ0Yj3Osy7ZmgFwM 8. Take a 60 second or 1 minute break. 9. Do 150 ski steps. See more ski step workouts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5qWKDYV54nFrm6okVquqjJErTFFNv1Ek 10. Repeat this at last 1 more time. This fast weight loss workout has 5 different exercises you do that wi'll help you lose up to 5 pounds a week and once you get to a point where you are not satisfied with how fast you're losing weight on this fast weight loss workout plan then... You can do my other YouTube video called "Quick weight loss workout to help YOU Lose 15 pounds fast" to shock your body so you'll break out of any weight loss plateau you're in so you can lose weight fast again and... Remember - The KEY THING is that you at least try to finish this fast weight loss workout and work your way up to taking less rest time between exercises - for example... Let's say that during this fast weight loss workout -- you have a hard time doing all 15 power cleans in a row -- just do about 2 or 3 at a time -- catch your breath -- and then finish. Eventually -- you'll be able to finish most of the workout by only stopping in between exercises for your mandatory rest periods and... You can go here to print out this fast weight loss workout routine for losing 5 pounds a week: http://www.nowloss.com/best-workout-video-to-lose-weight-fast-get-ripped-at-home.htm and... Guys: you can use heavier weights and do only 8-to-12 reps for each exercise with this fast weight loss workout to burn fat and build muscle at the same time and... Ladies: you can use lighter weights and do 15-to-25 reps to lose weight fast while toning and firming up your body and... How fast you lose 5 pounds a week all depends on... *How much you weigh -- the more overweight you are --the more weight you'll lose each week and.. *Your diet -- If you eat right and avoid bad foods like sugar, sodas, and processed & fried foods -- then you'll lose up to 5 pounds a week faster. ************************************** I'm Adrian Bryant & I'm the guy who created NowLoss.com to help you look good naked. See the people I've already helped look good naked here: http://www.nowloss.com/t Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NowLoss Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nowloss/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/adrian_bryant
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