Rio Bravo is a 1959 American Western film, directed by Howard Hawks. The script was written by Jules Furthman and Leigh Brackett, based on a short story by B.H. McCampbell. The movie stars John Wayne, Dean Martin, and Ricky Nelson, with Angie Dickinson, Walter Brennan, and Ward Bond. The musical score was composed by Dimitri Tiomkin. His score contains the haunting tune "El Degüello", which is played several times to build tension.[3] A character (Colorado, played by Nelson) identifies the tune as "The Cutthroat Song". He relates the song's historical playing on the orders of Antonio López de Santa Anna to the Texans holed up in the Alamo to signify that no quarter would be given. The tune was used in the following year, over the opening credits of Wayne's film, The Alamo. Composer Ennio Morricone recalled director Sergio Leone requesting him to write "Dimitri Tiomkin music" for A Fistful of Dollars. The trumpet theme is similar to Tiomkin's "Deguella" while the Italian title of Rio Bravo was Un Dollaro D'onore. Because the film starred a crooner, Martin, and a teen idol, Nelson, Hawks included three songs in the soundtrack. Before the big showdown, in the jail house, Martin sings "My Rifle, My Pony, and Me" (which contained new lyrics to a Tiomkin tune that appeared in Red River) accompanied by Nelson, after which Nelson sings a brief version of "Get Along Home, Cindy", accompanied by Martin and Brennan. Lyrics: I wish I was a apple hangin' in a tree And everytime my sweetheart passed She'd take a bite off me She told me that she loved me She called me sugar plum She threw her arms around me I thought my time had come. Get along home, Cindy-Cindy Get along home, Cindy-Cindy Get along home, Cindy-Cindy I'll marry you sometime. I wish I had a needle As fine as I could sew I'd sew her in my pocket And down the road I go Cindy hugged and kissed me She wrung her hands and cried Swore I was the prettiest thing That ever lived or died. Get along home, Cindy-Cindy Get along home, Cindy-Cindy Get along home, Cindy-Cindy I'll marry you sometime...
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