Amiga Longplay Persian Gulf Inferno Played by Nox1911 Direct way to finish the game. Useless things like "visiting" the hostages were skipped.
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Monday 26th May 2014 Artist [AMIGA MUSIC] Persian Gulf Inferno 244 views 4 votes For 0 vote Against
1989 - Parsec / Innerprise... Played by Nox1911 Direct way to finish the game. Useless things like "visiting" the hostages were skipped.
Playing an amiga classic with the Xbox 360 controller. I always thought the voices in this game were funny. Enjoy!
Título desarrollado por Parser y publicado, primero por Innerprise y posteriormente por Magic Bytes. Se publicó con el título de "The Persian Gulf Inferno" en 1989, pero un año después llegó a Europa llamándose "North Sea Inferno". Se Played by: Ironclaw Subscribe: Twitter: This game has been longplayed by others before, but couldn't find one that was properly done... so I recorded it
An in-depth playthrough, seeing all the hostages, Dr. Feelgood, Janet and Professor Joe. Professor Joe Professor is the one character that knows how to defuse the bomb. Source recorded at 50 fps.
Music by: Jim Rankenberg Innerprise 1989
The Persian Gulf Inferno is a sidescrolling action terrorist killing game on an oil rig. It's got a bit of a Flashback feel to it, with the protangonist moving realistically with no crazy leaps and stuff. You start with limited ammo and a couple of
Ein Rückblick auf "Persian Gulf Inferno" auch bekannt als "North Sea Inferno" von Parsec Software, für den Commodore Amiga. Viel Spass!
This game is also knows as "North Sea Inferno" in Germany. It's an explloring type of platforming game... the kind I don't like too much. It's quite boring since the oil platform is huge and you are walking much more than you are shooting. The Amiga
Persian Gulf Inferno - Commodore Amiga
► Terroristen haben eine Bohrinsel besetzt und drohen die Zündung einer Nuklearwaffe! Wir - der namenlose Spezialagent - haben nur wenig Zeit, die Terroristen zu eliminieren und die Bombe zu entschärfen. Das Spiel war für Deutschland damals zu
Three more Amiga games played on the UAE4Droid emu on the Asus Transformer. The little known game BRAT, Turrican II and the great Persian Gulf Inferno.
A review of "Persian Gulf Inferno" also known as “North Sea Inferno” from Parsec Software for the Commodore Amiga. Enjoy!
► Subscribe: ► Twitter: ♥ Please comment, rate, share, subscribe... ;) This game has been longplayed by others before, but couldn't find one that was properly done... so I
This neat little game picks out gameplay mechanics from various titles and blends them together quite well. While the story is standard 80s action movie fare, the finished product feels solid. Excellent work by such a small team.
Cool game, you have real time timer in-game that you have to beat in order to, er, beat the game. ►Follow me on Twitter: ►Follow me on, I do livestreams every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday!
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