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Search results for "Super Smash Bros Ultimate Direct 8.8.2018"

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct 8.8.2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct 8.8.2018

Check out this Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct featuring exciting new game info delivered by director Masahiro Sakurai. Got a favorite from the Direct? Click to it! 0:06 - Castlevania's Simon Belmont introduction cinematic 2:00 - Castlevania's

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct - LIVE REACTION!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct - LIVE REACTION!

Normally I do live tweets on my Twitter account, but for the first time, I decided to do a live reaction on my Twitch. Needless to say, it was a great time, and I just might do it again. Thanks to all my friends for joining in, and much love to YOU

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