Hey guys! In this video I will be giving a Barbie Happy Family Midge doll I found at a thrift store a makeover transformation! I gave Midge a very simple makeover by swapping her head with a Barbie fashionista body, rerooting her hair and giving her
Friday 24th February 20172,006,867 views21,464 votes For1,575 votes Against
Hey guys! In this video I will be turning a Barbie Fashionistas Kitty Cute doll into a new character for my Life with Barbie doll series. I gave her a very simple makeover transformation by swapping her head with a Barbie Made to Move body, removing
Thursday 12th January 20171,092,289 views7,472 votes For405 votes Against
Hey guys! In this video I will be giving a Ken doll a makeover transformation! I gave Ken a very simple makeover by giving him some new hair. Let me know what I should do for my next custom doll in the comments! Follow me! ♥ Instagram/Twitter
Saturday 25th March 2017528,516 views6,137 votes For358 votes Against
Barbie Custom Doll Makeover Transformation (#9: Stacie) For this Barbie custom doll makeover transformation Stacie is getting a unicorn pastel look! I gave her a simple makeover by rerooting and styling her hair & giving her a new outfit. Now that
Sunday 6th May 2018253,092 views3,956 votes For147 votes Against
Barbie Custom Doll Makeover Transformation (#10: Galaxy Barbie) Hey guys! For this Barbie custom doll makeover transformation, Barbie is getting a Galaxy style! I gave her a simple makeover by rerooting her hair with bright galaxy colors, curling her
Saturday 14th July 2018104,968 views2,553 votes For74 votes Against
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