Amiga Longplay Persian Gulf Inferno Played by Nox1911 Direct way to finish the game. Useless things like "visiting" the hostages were skipped. Played by Nox1911 Direct way to finish the game. Useless things like "visiting" the hostages were skipped.
Título desarrollado por Parser y publicado, primero por Innerprise y posteriormente por Magic Bytes. Se publicó con el título de "The Persian Gulf Inferno" en 1989, pero un año después llegó a Europa llamándose "North Sea Inferno". Se Played by: Ironclaw Subscribe: Twitter: This game has been longplayed by others before, but couldn't find one that was properly done... so I recorded it
An in-depth playthrough, seeing all the hostages, Dr. Feelgood, Janet and Professor Joe. Professor Joe Professor is the one character that knows how to defuse the bomb. Source recorded at 50 fps.
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